German GERMANKaspar Hauser Research Circle

Director Eckart Böhmer

Kaspar Hauser Forschung


Videos from the Kaspar Hauser Festival in 2022


A legacy, a foundation and an invitation

With Kaspar Hauser (1812-1833) a decisive point of crystallization of recent history of mankind occurs. At Whitsun 1828, during the imminent social and inner-human upheaval in Europe and the world, a character appeared in Nuremburg, which posed the question of the true identity of the human being: Kaspar Hauser.

The aim of the Kaspar Hauser Research Circle is to continue the historically important research of Hermann Pies, whose heritage after his death in 1983 was guarded and supplemented by the the Stuttgart publisher Mayer. After 33 years, Johannes Mayer was looking for another person who saw his life task in Kaspar Hauser too.

He found this person in the founder and diretor of the Kaspar Hauser Festspiele in Ansbach, which have run biannually since 1998. The heritage wants needs to be sighted sorted and archived in a professional manner so that it can soon become

Kaspar Hauser, Message of Hope for Our Time

Eight Videos from the Kaspar Hauser Festival 2024